Thursday, May 1, 2014

An Introduction to Hollywood and the Red Scare

This is a political cartoon depicting Senator Joseph McCarthy, perhaps the most visible and vehement anti-communists of the 1950s, beginning the investigations of the United States federal government into the Hollywood motion picture industry. McCarthy, dressed in the American flag, holds a list probably containing the name of suspected subversive individuals (all red) and dumps them into a pot surrounded by members of Congress. It is also worthwhile to note that the Hollywood sign is illuminated by a probe light and the entire image is bathed in shades of red. This cartoon is an excellent visual representation of the tense relationship between the Hollywood motion picture industry and the Red Scare policies of the United States government.

Riddle me this: What do Lauren Bacall, Walt Disney and J. Edgar Hoover have in common?
No guesses?
Well then, let me just tell you: All three were deeply entangled in the investigations and subsequent Congressional hearings into the American motion picture industry at the height of the Red Scare during the 1950s. While Lauren Bacall boycotted the Congressional hearings, Walt Disney denounced the communist influence in Hollywood, and J. Edgar Hoover spearheaded the investigations, all three are representative of the difficult relationship between Hollywood and the United States government during the Red Scare.
Hollywood has maintained a long-standing reputation as being one of the most socially and politically liberal industries in the United States, housing some of the most prominent political contributors. But at the height of the Red Scare during the 1950s, nothing could have been further from the truth. Industry members would refuse to work with fellow artists considered a little too left - leaning for fear of being or being associated with a communist. Artists could be blacklisted, or barred from work in the motion picture industry, for alleged membership in or sympathizing with the Communist Party, involvement in ‘progressive’ political causes that may have been associated with communism, and/or refusal to assist governmental investigations into the Communist Party influence. The original blacklisted Hollywood members consisted of a group of ten writers and directors, later dubbed ‘The Hollywood Ten,’ who were cited for contempt of Congress after refusing to testify to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) in 1947.
It is apparent that that the investigative proceedings of the United States government, especially towards prominent members of the Hollywood elite like Lauren Bacall and Walt Disney, were indeed representative of the many of the government’s Red Scare policies during this decade. In the same manner, many of the actions taken by suspected communists and virulent anti-communists in Hollywood were similar to those being taken by citizens all over the United States. Basing my research off official Congressional records from the late 1940s and early 1950s, I will be able to investigate the actions and reactions of the American Communist Party in Hollywood, the impact of having a relationship with a suspected communist, and the pushback from the public against the federal government.  While these Congressional records contain the actual policies and investigation techniques employed by the United States government to probe into the lives of suspected communists in Hollywood, they will also reveal the wider socio-political consequences of the Red Scare on the American public.  
The purpose of this project is to investigate the nature of the relationship between Hollywood and the Red Scare, primarily through the published investigations and Congressional hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee. It is worthwhile to note that Hollywood’s relationship with communism and with the federal government was not unique; cities and individuals all over the United States were being investigated and probed by the federal government. However, Hollywood is unique and useful to study due to the fact that it had the most widely publicized and well-known relationship with communism during this time. Americans all over the country would have known about the Hollywood Ten or the involvement of Walt Disney in the House Committee investigations. Hollywood’s Red Scare history is thus worthwhile to study because of its unique and public place in the American lexicon from the 1950s. Many of the particulars of the investigations and hearings were hidden or whitewashed at the time, but are now available in their entirety.  It is crucial to investigate these documents and the relationship between these two uncomfortable bedfellows as they can reveal how much the United States government/Hollywood relationship was a reflection of the broader socio-political trends in American society during the 1950s regarding the fundamentally important and divisive issue of communism.

1 comment:

  1. Much of the pro/anti-communist events of 1950's were coordinated or staged which served in part as a distraction away from real truths, namely Zionism. Communism and Zionism are basically the same since they stem from the same source, the Talmud Jews. The Talmud Jews own and control governments and the media, then and now. Those Congressional hearings were basically nonsense; Communist members of Congress pretending not to be Communist during their investigations into Hollywood, all under the guise of protecting America. Communism is still alive and well in Hollywood today. In fact, Hollywood is run by the Jews. The Jews, as per their Talmud and Torah, worship Lucifer, not Christ/God the Creator. Even the average Jew in your neighborhood might not be away of this, hoaxed by their own Rabbis. (Jesus by the way was an Essene not a Jew.) Communism/Zionism takes on a new elaborate form these decades with prominence on hoaxing the public via Hollywood films and of course via the mainstream media (which should be considered not credible). Example? Hollywood promotes the Holocaust hoax. The Holocaust never actually happened. Speilberg knows full well he is a hoaxer. The notion/possibility of aliens from other planets is also another hoax promoted by Hollywood (as well as the manned Moon landings never happened). Actually I cannot say too much because all of this becomes highly complex and ventures into the world of shills, dis-info, and psyop warfare upon the public. But another example is the topic of the fake alternative media which is very much pro-Communism/pro-Zionism thus pro-Luciferianism. InfoWars, for example, was secretly created by Ted Turner to serve as controlled opposition. Basically the evil elites know that people are waking up so as a result the elites now want to control how far people wake up to, and want to point them in the wrong direction. Clues of this truth reside mostly in what the alternative media will not discuss. For example, Alex Jones who is host of InfoWars, will discuss 9/11 being an inside job by the government but he will not discuss Israeli involvement in the attacks. The entire popular alternative media is actually dominated by Communist Hollywood hoaxers, specifically Hollywood death fakers who faked their deaths and joined the alternative 'truth movement'. River Phoenix is Mark Dice. Bill Hicks is Alex Jones. Brandon Lee is Christopher Greene. Johnathan Brandis is Adam Kokesh. Sam Kinison is YouTube shill Montagraph. And there are lots more. Under the guise of exposing corruption in the government, they are actually carrying out a hoax with their final agenda/goal being the Communist Russian take-over of America. They are trying to start a revolution under the guise of being pro-Constitution. The way it will work is simple: the public revolts, Martial Law is thus declared, and then the foreign troops move on in. The Red Army agenda, as well as other agendas, are still alive and well in America. And by the way, CNN should be considered as a 24 hour a day Hollywood production who promotes fake truths and censors real truths. Example? In March 2013 Pope Benedict announced the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict's staff was kidnapped, his priest murdered, the Conclave to elect Francis was illegal, and Pope Benedict's access to the outside world is now being controlled by Francis. And more. Sounds bizarre? All the more reason that it should be making headlines. Sounds like a huge cover-up going on? All the more reason that the so-called alternative media should be reporting on this, such as Coast to Coast AM or InfoWars. But all media and all of Hollywood is owned and controlled by the Luciferian Jews who do not want the world knowing that Christ is back. Ever notice that nobody is allowed to criticize the Jews? There is a reason for that... to put fear in people like me revealing truths that they want secret. Welcome to the Red Twilight Zone.
